Biggest breakthrough in electronics!

An impossible ADC with zero latency and 64-bit resolution!

The ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) is a critical component in electronics, which converts the analog signals of the world, such as sound, temperature, pressure, heart beats, to digital signals that computers and devices can process and utilize - giving rise to modern devices like cameras, music systems, robots, ECG machines and automated vehicles, that define the world we live in.

But ADCs are also the biggest bottleneck in electronics. ADCs today can provide digital signals at high speed or at high resolution, but not both. It's like having a car that can drive in 5th gear but cannot steer correctly, or which can steer correctly but cannot go beyond 1st gear speed. How far can you go with such a car?

This limitation of ADCs gives us music that doesn't sound as rich as a live orchestra, cameras that can't handle bright lights the way our eyes do, robots that lack positional accuracy and response times, medical scans that cannot detect medical problems in time, and autonomous vehicles that are prone to accidents. It's a prison that's stifling progress in these fields.

SuperADC breaks this prison! It's an impossible ADC, which for the first time provides the highest speed, with the highest resolution, both! No compromise. No trade-off. Like a car that can move in 10th gear, with perfect power steering. Imagine how far it can take you! SuperADC renders all existing electronics products obsolete, and opens up new avenues and frontiers that were simply not possible before.

Super ADC - Features

For the first time ever, highest speed and highest resolution, both!

64+ Bit Resolution

Never before, true signal capture.

Zero Latency

For instant, real-time, continuous measurement.

Unlimited Speed

Faster than Flash. Limited only by the speed of the receiver.

Highest SNR

Makes worrying about noise a thing of the past!

Low Power

Due to analog processing and compact, intelligent circuit.

Active Error Correction

Live and continuous. No missing codes.

Live Self-Calibration

Resistant to temperature & component variation.

Faster than Chip

No more limited by clock speed!

All Applications

AI, robotics, IoT, audio, camera, medical...

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

— Arthur C Clarke

Launching a new era in Artificial Intelligence

Making Analog-Digital Hybrid computing a reality

Machine Learning requires ever increasing computing power. But with Moore's law reaching its limits, the industry has hit a roadblock. AI companies like Google and Microsoft are spending billions on their AI Data Centres, trying to coax maximum computing power from GPUs and TPUs, but any progress is incremental.

Analog computing is far more powerful, but is impossible to work with. It needs the digital domain for data storage and transmission. The industry is desperate to shift to analog-digital Hybrid computing, which combines the best of both worlds. But the bottleneck that prevents this marriage of analog and digital, is the ADC.

SuperADC makes this dream a reality - for the first time making it possible to perform Machine Learning operations at 32+ bit precision, increasing processing speed by 1000 times, and slashing power, size and costs. It renders all existing GPUs, CPUs and TPUs obsolete, and is a game changer for AI. It also ushers in the Age of Analog and AI – the biggest technological leap for humanity.

Enabling the next generation of Sensors

Revolutionizing the fields of IoT, edge computing, medical diagnostics, robotics...

Sensors are the building blocks of modern data acquisition systems. They convert physical phenomena like temperature, weight, sound into a measurable analog voltage. ADCs convert this analog signal to digital for further processing. Therein lies the bottleneck. Due to their inherent limitations like sampling, quantization and noise ADCs are unable to provide a high resolution signal. Just a lossy version of the original rich signal. This has stifled progress into better quality sensors, since current ADCs are not even able to handle the current signal quality.

SuperADC does not suffer from the limitations of regular ADCs, for the first time producing digital signals of extremely high resolution and minimal noise. Just as the invention of the microscope sparked the fields of microbiology, genetic engineering and biotechnology, SuperADC can give rise to a whole breed of "super sensors" that can help us see, understand and manipulate physical phenomena, as we never could before.

e.g. ECG signal is capable of producing a full 3D model of the heart. But currently most of it is discarded as noise. SuperADC enabled sensors can change that - for the first time allowing unprecedented insight and prediction of disease. Since 1/3rd people today die of heart disease, the impact on healthcare is immediate and staggering.

The implications for IoT and Edge computing are also mind-blowing. Internet speeds are no longer an issue, and microcontrollers are cheaper and more powerful than ever before. The missing link was the ADC. With SuperADC it is now possible to research into and develop a whole new generation of sensors, of hitherto unimaginable quality, that can transform the way our devices perceive, understand, and respond to the us and the world around.


Breakthrough solutions to transform business, healthcare, computing and other fields

Artificial Intelligence

Mobile Calls

Mobile Cameras

Edge Computing


Robotics & Autonomous Cars

Being Licensed to save lives

Technology for global tech dominance, being licensed to save lives

Super ADC is not a chance discovery or accident. It was painstakingly developed by a tech genius with a heart, Glenn Fernandes, working hard with his team of doctors, engineers, scientists, to save human lives. SuperADC was invented for the Super Ventilator - the world's only safe, non-invasive, natural breathing ventilator, that can actually cure lifestyle diseases and double your lifespan, at peak health. Backed by more than 20,000 scientific papers in reputed medical journals worldwide. Patented in several countries.

Unlike other medical treatments, every person needs a Super Ventilator, and to make sure it reaches every person, including the poorest, we're planning to manufacture and provide Super Ventilator free of charge worldwide. How do we get the money for it? By licensing the SuperADC. Giving away the golden goose for a simple one-time license fee, because we need the money now. To save your life. So license this technology in the right spirit. For your company's sake and your own.

Visit the Super Ventilator website