Frequently Asked Questions about SuperADC

Is SuperADC really a CTCA ADC?
Yes, SuperADC really is a CTCA ADC. There is no quantization of the signal, and the conversion is done continuously on a free-running analog signal, such that the digital output represents the analog signal with fidelity. E.g., You can read Pi to any digit of accuracy AND you can tell by the smallest fraction of second recordable, when an event took place. The limit is only the user-end hardware.

Does it have no quantization error?
Quantization error by definition is the error you get after you have converted your signal to digital. SuperADC actually digitizes signals without losing any properties of the original analog signal. There is no quantization done during the conversion process in either time or amplitude, thus there is no quantization error. SuperADC can give you complete accuracy, with as much detail, in as many bits as you can read. There is no limit!

Is it truly capable of infinite resolution?
SuperADC has a unique digitization system that allows signals to be stored while maintaining not high, but complete analog signal resolution. This means that you can zoom into a signal infinitely without any loss in data or abrupt jumps. E.g., a sine wave can be read in as much bit-depth as required to drive motors for example, as smoothly as possible.

The resolution is limited only by upto how much you want to read. You can read up to any number of bits that you chose.

Is it capable of zero latency?
SuperADC understands the analog signal and is capable of just-in-time and even before-time digitization, depending on the user needs and configurations. SuperADC thus provides not only Zero Latency, but also negative latency.

How big a breakthrough is it in electronics?
Remember when the world shifted from Analog to Digital? SuperADC brings about a similar shift to Analog-Digital Hybridization. Both Analog and Digital have nearly touched their limits and it is only together that the next major jumps in electronic computing can take place. Even Quantum Computing relies on electronics to run and is limited by the capabilities of electronic circuits.

SuperADC is the biggest breakthrough in electronics. By live converting the analog signal in the digital domain with unlimited resolution, SuperADC makes it possible it for the first time to utilize the richness of analog along with the robustness of digital – paving the path for a new era of analog-digital hybrid computing.

What are the implications for Analog-Digital Hybrid computing?
Analog-Digital Hybrid computing depends completely upon the ability of components in both domains to be able to communicate effectively with one another. While digital and analog computing complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses very well, ADCs act like bottlenecks in most situations. The inherent nature of ADCs is to have trade-offs between speed, time, resolution, accuracy, linearity, power consumption, size, etc.

SuperADC is the missing link that can now launch the much awaited era of Analog-Digital hybrid computing. It allows for high-speed parallel analog computing, with faithful conversion to the digital domain with its complex computation ability. Never before has an ADC been available that can provide the speed and resolution required by Hybrid computing.

SuperADC thus helps utilize the strengths of both, analog and digital, to spark off next-gen, high-speed AI machine learning, Edge Computing, IoT and autonomous robotics.

What are the applications of SuperADC is various fields?
SuperADC brings together for the first time, zero latency, high speeds, unlimited resolution, with no trade-offs. In today’s data-driven world, SuperADC provides a never before available real-time and microscopic view of the data, with a level of resolution that can be a game-changer in several fields:

• Opening up fields of medical diagnostics, scientific computing, robotics, autonomous vehicles, edge computing, IOT, and so on that are stagnating for want of higher speeds and resolutions and latency.
• E.g., Imperceptible changes in the ECG signal that could signify the onset of heart disease can now be made perceptible or visible with SuperADC.
• Enabling a new generation of sensors that can have higher resolutions, giving an output with vastly richer information, for cameras, industry, audio, etc.
• Ushering in the age of analog-digital hybrid computing that can help us get past Moore’s law roadblock.
• Shrinking the footprint of AI machine learning in terms of both size and power.