Applications for all fields!

Impossible metrics to suit all kinds of applications

SuperADC's impossible metrics make it suitable for all kinds of applications - sparking an explosive growth in every field of science and technology!

Zero Latency:
for robotics and autonomous vehicles for instant sensor-feedback based smooth responses.
100+ bit resolution:
for accurate processing of analog signals like audio, biomedical etc., with real-time frequency and harmonics analysis and inferencing.
Real-time data compression, inferencing, decision making :
for smarter, lower memory and lower power Edge Computing; e.g. EEG signals.
Higher Dynamic Range than the eye:
for comfortable, glare-free night driving, improved surveillance, photographs and videos

Artificial Intelligence

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Edge Computing

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For information on SuperADC, please write to us from your company email at:


For information on SuperADC, please write to us from your company email at:


For information on SuperADC, please write to us from your company email at:

Consumer Electronics

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