Obtain the Technology!

Not just a technology, but a mindset.

SuperADC is not just a technology, it's a mindset. It is the mindset that allowed us to create SuperADC, and far bigger innovations, in diverse fields. Unless you understand and commit to this new mindset, you will not be able to extract the full benefit of SuperADC for your products and services. On the contrary, you will hurt yourself and others.

Given below are the essential qualifying steps to obtain the SuperADC technology. It requires you to put aside all that you think you know about ADCs, electronics, health, product design and business, and be willing to adopt a new approach to each.

Please study and understand each step thoroughly before moving to the next step. This is not a blind date, but a marriage. You need to enter it with open eyes, mind, and heart!

"Don't give a man a fish. Teach him how to fish."

— Proverb

1. Understand SuperADC

Understand the biggest breakthrough in electronics, and how it can transform your products

SuperADC changes electronics forever, with impossible specs and capabilities that render all existing products and technologies obsolete - It thus opens new frontiers and markets that a company with vision and drive can easily capture. So the first step is to understand this revolutionary technology, and how to harness it for your industry and products.

Given below is a presentation that explains the SuperADC leap, with examples from various industries to expand your visibility. Study it and try to understand how your products can benefit from it.

SuperADC Presentation

2. Understand Super Ventilator

Understand the biggest breakthrough in healthcare, and how it can double your remaining lifespan!

The most precious thing to you is your health. No matter how much money you have, it cannot buy you health. Modern medicine has no cure for lifestyle diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's whose seeds are planted in childhood, and whose symptoms begin to show up in your 30's and 40s. Indeed, curing these diseases would be a conflict of interest for the profit-based healthcare business.

Super Ventilator is the biggest breakthrough in healthcare. It cures lifestyle diseases and can double your remaining years of life, while keeping you in peak health. And the best part is that it's free! Its manufacture will be funded by the SuperADC license fees paid by you and other licensees. SuperADC was in fact invented for the Super Ventilator, to monitor, display and steer, for the first time ever, breath-by-breath improvement in health.

So please visit the Super Ventilator website given below. To understand the value and importance of the Super Ventilator to you, personally. And more importantly, to understand the humanitarian mindset and vision behind the Super ADC, which is not just a technology, but is a technology with a heart. It's a purely selfless life-saving project that's more sacred than a church or a temple. You have to approach it accordingly.


3. Commit to a new Design Approach

Commit to adopting a new design approach and techniques that can help you create breakthroughs

The quality and pace of innovation is dropping. The biggest companies with the best brains are only making incremental progress. E.g. for decades, progress in the chip industry has been driven merely increasing the number of transistors in an integrated circuit. Now, with Moore's Law reaching its limit, computing has reached a roadblock. Why is it so?

It's because of a faulty thought process. Our education systems and the world at large are increasingly left-brain dominant, an approach that reduces science and technology to abstract formulae and algorithms, with zero visibility or understanding of the real phenomena that underlie them. As discussed by the "Peter Principle," employees end up stuck at their respective levels of incompetence, with no ability to evolve or grow.

Over 40 years of sincere effort we have developed a new approach that enables us to see, understand, and solve problems differently. Not incrementally, but fundamentally. Resulting in daily breakthroughs in field-after-field. SuperADC is one of the smallest of these. Moreover, it transforms work into play, enabling us to work 24x7 with gusto, and wake up the next day, still raring to go!

This mindset is far more important to you than the SuperADC, and it will enable you to extract maximum value from the SuperADC. Thus, as a bonus, along with the SuperADC, we will also introduce you to this new thought process. On your part, you have to commit to adopting this new approach within your company, and ensuring that the team that works on SuperADC is sincere in understanding and practicing it.

4. Commit to a new Business Approach

Adopt a new business approach that a true win-win-win for your company, for you, and the world

Business today is a zero-sum game. It's about bargaining for the best deal for your company at the cost of others. It's about searching for loopholes and working around patents to boost your profits at the expense of others. That's the way it is, if you want your business to succeed. Go ahead and do so in your regular business dealings. But not in this deal.

The purpose for licensing SuperADC to you is to raise funds for reaching the Super Ventilator to you, free, as fast as possible. This is far more valuable to you than making profits for your company. Thus, if you deal unfairly with us in any way, you are hurting yourself, irreversibly, by delaying the ventilator in reaching you. Each day the ventilator is delayed, you lose 2 precious days of your life. It's like an ICU patient throwing away his medicine, and feeling proud of having fooled the nurse!

So don't be stupid (i.e. causing harm to self and to others). We're helping you reclaim your life and health, for nothing in return. Obstructing and delaying this selfless project, by using the technology without licensing it, working around our patents, and so on, will cause millions of people worldwide to die a premature death that could easily have been prevented, and amounts to mass murder. Keep your heart on the right side, and see how to help instead. For your own sake.

5. Commit to a Sharing Mindset

Understand how sharing can enrich your business far more than hoarding

Our founder once attended a magician's seminar, where each magician was required to contribute one magic trick. Doesn't giving away his trick reduce his value? No it doesn't. Each magician gives one trick, and gets back a hundred tricks, from all of the others. What a deal!

SuperADC is a breakthrough that makes the pie bigger. So rather than fighting for your share of the pie, licensees gain more by helping each other enlarge their slices. i.e. discovering new applications and opening up new markets in their fields.

Thus, your SuperADC license also provides you access to the SuperADC community of licensees and experts. A forum where licensees work together, pooling in their ideas and understandings, and solving each other's problems. Working together as one humanity, to help humanity progress in leaps and bounds. For everyone's sake.

6. Calculate the License Fee

Provide honest details to help us reach a fair license fee

Generally, the more you pay for something, the worse-off you are. Not in this case. By paying as much as you can for SuperADC (not as little as you can), everyone gains - your company, you personally, and humanity as a whole. How?

Let's be honest. Your health matters to you more than your company's profits. You work in order to sustain and enrich your life. Not your company's. The more your company pays for the Super ADC license, the faster we are able to reach the Super Ventilator to you, to help you find freedom from disease, and to double your remaining lifespan, at peak health.

The great part is that your company benefits too! Having a workforce that is able to work at the peak of their physical, mental and emotional health and energy (thanks to Super Ventilator) pushes your company to new heights of innovation, productivity and profit. More importantly, it fosters a mindset of giving, of looking beyond selfish short-term interests, at true, long-term, win-win progress. The mindset that made it possible for us to invent the SuperADC. Plus, the global publicity and goodwill that your company will receive, as an early visionary supporter of the Super Ventilator, is incalculable in terms of money!

We're currently charging just a one-time license fee, equal to just 10 days of your profits, subject to a minimum of $1,000 for startups. But you're welcome to pay more. Pay till it pinches! For your own, and your company's health, evolution and growth.

Note: This fee will increase in steps, to one year's profits. So act now!

7. Sign the License Agreement

To obtain the know-how and the right to utilize the SuperADC Technology in your products

Electronically sign the agreement that grants you the non-exclusive license to utilize SuperADC technology in your field of use, subject to the terms of the license, in a matter of seconds!

8. Make the Payment

One-time payment for a lifetime of benefits...

Pay the one-time license fee, through the payment options provided, within the period specified in your license agreement. Pay just once, and reap the benefits for life!

9. Register the Users

Set up SuperADC for your company

Register the locations, users, and devices that will be accessing the SuperADC technology from the SuperADC portal. Please select employees with the highest expertise and commitment, who are willing to learn and adopt a new design approach and techniques, and to invest the effort and energy required to learn and implement a complex new technology.

10. Use the Resources

Explore and contribute to the resources

Apart from the licensing the know-how for SuperADC, licensees will also get free access to resources explaining our Design Approach, as well as a Forum for licensees to share their insights and ideas, and help solve each other's doubts and problems. Learn to utilize this treasure trove to the fullest.

First, study the Design Approach. Diving into SuperADC without first adopting the right approach would be like attempting deep-sea diving without any equipment. You waste your time and don't get too far!

Second, understand the SuperADC technology. Don't wait to throw up your hands and say it's too difficult. All cutting-edge technology is difficult. Use it to push your team into a more capable and responsible state.

Third, use the Forum. If you have any queries, ask them here. If you've made a breakthrough, share it here. Let's work together as one humanity, to take humanity forward.

11. Review

Encourage others to take the leap

Provide a review about SuperADC's value to you and to the world. If you've not understood any aspect, share your doubts on the Forum and let's see how to address them. But don't spoil SuperADC for others with careless or baseless doubts or speculations. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to recklessly or maliciously destroy something sacred, that is trying to save people's lives. Including yours.

12. Refer

Help build a thriving community of technologists working together for everyone's benefit

Get over the miserly, hoarding mentality. Life is not a zero-sum game! Others don't have to lose out for you to gain. By spreading the word and getting more and more people to license SuperADC, you gain from a thriving and growing community of technologists contributing their best efforts to take this breakthrough invention forward. And you're able to get the Super Ventilator that much faster!