Evaluate the Technology

Inviting you to the front seat of the biggest magic show...

SuperADC changes electronics forever, with impossible specs and capabilities that render all existing products and technologies obsolete, and opens entire new frontiers and markets to explore.

As an expert, it is easy to be dismissive of these claims – to laugh or call them impossible. Just like the mobile phone would have been called “magic” 200 years ago. But if there is even a 0.1% chance that it’s true, isn’t reviewing SuperADC the biggest breakthrough moment of your career?

We understand that Experts go through three stages while reviewing a breakthrough technology like SuperADC, compared to novices, who go directly to stage three. 1) How? 2) Wow! 3) How else? (is it possible to do this)

But once they get there, it is the Experts who can truly appreciate the value and implications of the new technology. E.g. Newton’s Laws, which we’ve all studied in school, seem quite commonplace today. But for those who first understood the discoveries, the Eureka moment was too much! Entire sciences and industries were built on them.

You are at the front seat of the biggest magic show, watching as it unfolds and evolves, saving billions of lives, and alleviating the pain and suffering of people worldwide. Including yourself.

You need to approach it with the right mindset, to be able to do justice to the momentous task of reviewing this technology. Else you risk causing grave harm and premature death to yourself and billions others worldwide.

We’ve prepared these Qualifying Steps to help you understand and enter the mindset needed to review SuperADC. It requires you to put aside all that you think you know about ADCs, electronics, health, product design and business, and be willing approach the task with open eyes, mind and heart.

So please study and understand each step thoroughly, and complete the activities listed, before proceeding to the next step. This is not a casual review, but the biggest moment of your career and your life.

SuperVentilator being a world-shaking phenomenon, your review video will get the highest publicity possible, as an early expert who had the vision and foresight to recognize the importance of the SuperADC, and revolution it is set to unleash in the world.

And, as a token of thanks for working with us as a true human being, in helping us reach the Super Ventilator to the world faster, we would be glad to offer you a higher priority in obtaining the SuperVentilator. The best gift you could get... a long and healthy life.

1. Understand SuperADC

What: Understand the biggest breakthrough in electronics and its implications for the field.

As an expert who will be reviewing this breakthrough technology, you need to be aware of the value and implications, in order to approach the task with the required focus and dedication.

In today’s information deluge, it is easy to be dismissive of new technologies, especially those with bold, impossible claims like SuperADC. With today’s busy schedules, it is also easy gloss over the details and subtle nuances of a new technology, and thus fail to grasp its true and full value and importance.

For regular technologies, which are just incremental improvements over the state-of-the-art, this may not be a big deal. But in the case of SuperADC, such an attitude can be devastating. It can set this critical technology back by several weeks or months.

This will not only be a loss to the field of electronics, but will also delay the licensing of SuperADC, and thereby the raising of funds for the SuperVentilator project. The loss to you personally, and to the world, is irreparable. Each day the Super Ventilator is delayed in reaching you, you and everyone lose 2 precious days of your life.

If there is even a 0.1% chance that SuperADC can do what it claims to do, it is the biggest breakthrough of your career to be one of the first experts to examine and review it. It would be devastating for you, personally and professionally, if you throw away this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, simply because you did not realise its significance. So the first step before reviewing SuperADC is to understand what it claims to do, and the impact and implications it can have on electronics as a whole.

Study the Presentation given below, which lists SuperADC’s breakthrough features, and some examples of applications in fields like AI, IoT, Edge Computing and Robotics. Utilize your expertise to understand which all fields SuperADC can revolutionize, and in what manner.

SuperADC Presentation

2. Understand Super Ventilator

What: Understand the biggest breakthrough in healthcare, and how it can double your remaining lifespan.

The SuperADC technology that you will be reviewing is going to fund the biggest global medical emergency project. Unless you understand this medical breakthrough you will not be able to approach the task with the responsibility and sacredness required, causing grave harm to yourself and others.

The most precious thing to you is your health. Yet by our 40s most of us fall prey to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's whose seeds are planted in childhood itself. Current medicine has no answer – only a lifetime of medication with their own side-effects. Curing your disease would destroy their profits.

SuperVentilator is the biggest breakthrough in healthcare. It can actually cure lifestyle diseases and double your remaining years of life, while keeping you in peak health – physical, mental, emotional. Backed by more than 20,000 scientific papers, and patented worldwide. And the best part is that it's free! Its manufacture will be funded by licensing SuperADC to companies worldwide.

SuperADC was in fact invented for the Super Ventilator, to monitor, display and steer, for the first time ever, breath-by-breath improvement in health. SuperADC is not just a technology, but is a technology with a heart. It's a purely selfless life-saving project that's more sacred than a church or a temple.

As an expert, you will be providing the stamp that motivates companies to license SuperADC – thus playing a crucial role in this global medical emergency project. Failure to realise the gravity and importance of your role could lead to a careless or superficial review on your part. The resulting setback in licencing SuperADC would directly translate to millions of lives being lost.

Take the time to understand the global medical emergency that SuperADC will be funding. It is essential to enable you to do justice as a reviewer of this critical technology. It is also the best news you could receive as a human being – finally a way to combat disease and live a long and healthy life!

Visit the SuperVentilator website given below. Understand the root cause of diseases, how SuperVentilator can cure them, and how you can be part of the biggest global movement to save lives. Nothing can be more important to you, personally.


3. Commit to a new Business Approach

What: Adopt a new business approach for SuperADC that a true win-win for you and the world.

Regular business practices that prioritize profits above all else, even if legal, would sabotage our ability to license SuperADC. This would delay our ability to deliver SuperVentilator to you and the world, amounting to mass murder.

Business today is a zero-sum game. It's about obtaining for the best deal for you / your company at the cost of others. It's about searching for loopholes and working around patents to boost your profits at the expense of others. It’s considered essential if you want your business to succeed, and may even be acceptable legally. But in the case of SuperADC, such practices would amount to mass manslaughter or culpable homicide.

You are reviewing SuperADC to encourage the adoption of this breakthrough technology by companies. This will raise the funds needed for reaching the Super Ventilator to you, free, as fast as possible. This is far more valuable to you than making profits for you / your company. Thus, if you deal unfairly with us in any way, you are hurting yourself, irreversibly, by delaying the ventilator in reaching you.

It's like an ICU patient throwing away his medicine, and feeling proud of having fooled the nurse!

So don't be “stupid” (i.e. causing harm to self and to others). We're helping you reclaim your life and health, for nothing in return. Obstructing and delaying this selfless project, by using the technology without licensing it, working around our patents, patenting inventions arising from SuperADC, disclosing confidential information, and so on, will cause millions of people worldwide to die a premature death that could easily have been prevented, and amounts to mass murder, for which you will be held answerable. Keep your heart on the right side, and see how to help instead.

Commit to adopting a new business approach while dealing with SuperADC. Decide to help instead of hurting this sacred life-saving project in any way. Inform us about possible infringement of SuperADC patents, spread the word in the industry, and encourage companies to adopt this revolutionary new technology to capture new markets. For your own sake.

List all the ways you can help in ensuring the Super Ventilator reaches everyone, including you, in time.

4. Commit to a Sharing Mindset

What: Commit to sharing your understandings and insights about SuperADC.

Sharing can enrich your business / practice far more than hoarding.

SuperADC is a breakthrough new technology with applications in every field – lots of uncharted territory for companies to explore and exploit. As an expert with a higher grasp of the technology and its implications, your earnings as a consultant will naturally skyrocket. It is tempting to hold on to, and try to capitalize on your knowledge, to the exclusion of others. But this will only stifle the field, and deprive you from a much larger client base that you can easily command.

SuperADC is a technology that makes the pie bigger. So rather than holding on to your slice of the pie, you gain a lot more by sharing your expertise with the SuperADC community. Solving practical problems would sharpen your insights; discussing solutions with other experts would deepen your understandings; and the publicity and goodwill generated by your contributions will earn you several more clients, eager to exploit this technology for their products and services.

Not to mention the satisfaction you gain by knowing that you’ve done your bit to help humanity progress in leaps and bounds.

We’re launching community forums for SuperADC and Super Ventilator. Join these forums and provide your expertise to solve practical problems. Everyone gains, including you.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher, Poet, Author, Essayist

5. Sign the NDA

What: Sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement to enable us to share the SuperADC Technology with you for review.

To ensure confidentiality of this critical technology, to enable it to be licensed to companies in order to raise funds for the Super Ventilator project.

Instructions for completing and executing the Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") are given below. This Agreement has been pre-signed by us.

1. Print the Agreement.
2. Fill the Signature Block on page 4 as follows:
a. Signature: If then Recipient is an individual, then the signature must be from the said individual; else it must be from a senior official of the Recipient, who authorized to sign this agreement and can take responsibility to ensure compliance with it.
b. Name: Readable name of signing person, in block letters.
c. Title: Title of the person who signed. Not applicable if the Recipient is an individual.
d. Date: Date of signing the Agreement.

3. Scan and email the signed, complete version of the Agreement back to us at experts@superadc.com

6. Send Video Recording

What: Record and send us a video of yourself holding the NDA, and agreeing to abide by it.

To help establish your identity as the person signing the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

1) Record a video of yourself holding the Agreement. Slowly turn and display each page of the Agreement to the camera. When you reach the last page, read out loud the text in italics, printed just above the Signature Block. Ensure that your face and the Agreement are both visible throughout the recording.

“I have read all the terms of the SuperADC NDA (flip through the pages, stay on the last one) and have understood them, and agree to abide by them. I understand and agree that if I violate any of the terms of this NDA, it amounts to mass manslaughter or culpable homicide.”

2) Email the Video Recording to us at experts@superadc.com

7. Review

What: Provide a review of SuperADC’s capabilities and value to the world.

Reviewing the biggest breakthrough in electronics is the opportunity of a lifetime for you; and will enable us to reach the SuperVentilator to you much faster.

SuperADC is the biggest breakthrough in electronics. It will take over the world of computing with or without your review. But your review can make this happen much faster. This impacts you directly, because the faster we are able to license SuperADC, the faster we can bulk manufacture and reach the SuperVentilator to you – to help you get rid of lifestyle diseases, and to double your remaining years of file.

As an expert in the industry, provide a review about SuperADC's capabilities and value to the world. This will speed up the licensing process and enable us to reach the SuperVentilator to you as fast as possible, free of charge. Each day counts. SuperVentilator being a world-shaking phenomenon, your review video will get the highest publicity possible, as an early expert who had the vision and foresight to recognize the importance of the SuperADC, and revolution it is set to unleash in the world.

Note: If you've not understood any aspect, share your doubts with us via email at experts@superadc.com and let's see how to address them. But don't spoil SuperADC or SuperVentilator for others with careless or baseless doubts or speculations. Freedom of speech does not give anyone the freedom to recklessly or maliciously destroy something sacred, that is trying to save people's lives. Including yours.

If all that we have stated is true, we are looking at the greatest medical emergency ever. In a Pandemic that’s 40,000 times bigger than COVID, there cannot be any freedom of speech. Especially when there are so many vested interests, who will hold on to their vested interest rather than their own life – making them the most dangerous kind of people.

Provide your review of SuperADC in both, or at least one of the following ways:

1. Write and sign a letter on your official Letterhead (addressed to the Discloser Name & Address given in the NDA), discussing SuperADC’s breakthrough capabilities and implications for electronics as a whole, and in various fields and industries. Please refer to the Review Pointers given below. Scan and email the letter to us at experts@superadc.com

2. Record a video of yourself discussing SuperADC’s breakthrough capabilities and implications for electronics as a whole, and in various fields and industries. Please refer to the Review Pointers given below. Email the video to us at experts@superadc.com

Review Pointers:
Your Review can discuss following claims of SuperADC without disclosing the technology itself:
• No quantization error
• Infinite resolution
• Zero latency
• Breakthrough in electronics
• Enabler of Analog-Digital Hybrid computing
• Also discuss the applications of SuperADC is various fields
• Any other aspects of SuperADC